Monday 4 April 2011

Week 5: Our precious media life..

There is no doubt that as of 2011, we are obsessed with the media. If we’re not on our phones, we’re online. If we’re not online, we’re watching TV. If we’re not watching TV, we’re shuffling music on our Ipods. Deuze (2011) puts this all in perspective by stating how “our life is lived in, rather than with, media – we are living a media life.” Hannah states how “People don’t live in the moment, they live online” which is a great reflection.  I’m definitely living a media life, spending hours a day consuming and using media in every possible way, and I love it. However, I am cautious about my online behavior and what I leave of information, as we all know we’re leaving traces behind in everything we do online, which Amy reflects on further. This could potentially harm us later, especially considering how common it is to be “Googled” for a potential job.

Isn’t it interesting how we react at those who don’t have a profile on Facebook? Those who never updates their status, posts a photo or writes on their friend´s walls? They have become the antisocial people, as it is more accepted to announce every single move, thoughts and actions on Facebook, rather than not. 
Is this how you want´t your tombstone to look like? Get offline! 

I’ll actually rather be a bit more antisocial online, leave fewer traces behind and concentrate on my life offline. My real life. Confirm?


Deuze, M. 2011. “Media Life”. Media, Culture & Society 33 (1): 137-148.

Hannah. 2011. "Week 5, " Platform nine and three quarters. Accessed April 4, 2011.

Mahoney, Brian. (2010). "How To: Prepare For Your Online Afterlife". Image. Accessed April 4, 2011.

Maynard, A. 2011. "A Personal Brand Audit for Dummies, " New media, a blog by Amy Maynard. Accessed April 4, 2011.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you as far as how we are conditioned to react negatively when people don't have a Facebook profile or regular status updates! Now it seems catching up face to face is far too much trouble than sitting on the other side of a computer screen sending various 'pokes' and comments to one another. It's interesting to think if peoples social lives would completely fall apart if Facebook ceased to exist!
